Storsjo Aqua

in English

Storsjo Aqua invests on sustainable aquaculture industry.
The most climate and environmentally friendly,
premium quality of steelhead trout.

Our targeted markets will be, except local markets, also in Europe and Asia. We have international business contacts and ready sales channels aborad.

Storsjo Aquaculture has initiated , together with financial partner, license process in Sweden for Aquaculture production 3600 ton per year.
Production site will be in fresh water in Lake of Storsjön i Jämtland province.

NEW 2024-04-17:
Storsjo Aqua is conducting an investigation regarding
sludge collecting system.
We are looking at several options as a possible solution that could be adapted to conditions in Storsjön. An article on
Click here.

Consultation documents
Click here.

Knowledgebank: Enviroment and fishfarming.
Click here.

Recent decisions from supreme enviromental court of Sweden
The process is based on recent judgements from supreme environment court (2 decisions 17.12.2021 and decision 2.2.2024)
in favour of aquaculture companies.
The proposed technology is the same in this project.

The licence is expected to be operated within 3-5 years.
The production is expected to generate a turnover 10-15 mill EUR.
Company has several owners.

The production and its control will use
high grade of digitalization
and will be AI-powered in order to
minimize the enviromental consequences,
have higher growth, lower mortality
and therefore higher EBIT.

The aquaculture operations will be based on the modern remote monitoring of feeding and other operations.
The monitoring will take place around the year on the landbase and
on distance with help of experts.

Storsjo Aqua will use solar energy for energy supply
beside of the traditonal supply of electricity.

Solar aquaculture is a groundbreaking method for sustainable fish production that combines solar energy and traditional fish farming techniques. Solar aquaculture harnesses the power of the sun to power feed barges, allowing for automated delivery of fish feed and reducing the need for human labor.

For this purpose, Storsjo Aqua has started collaboration with a SunSurf Solar company in Gothenburg that develops floating modules for solar energy in connection with the incubator at Chalmers University of Technology.
Mer info: klicka här.